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Klajdi Ballanca
1 min readAug 16, 2020
Daybreak by Maxfield Parrish

In the year 2072,

Will the skies still be blue?
Or we pressed the wrong button, civilization blew?
Have our aspirations not died in vain?
Is the galaxy under our reign?
Or shall we turn a novelty at the zoo?
Here’s the parrot, next to him the human too.

What will become of us?
A thought that circles many minds.
One day closer to God?
Or savages tearing hearts apart?
Masters of our fate?
Or slaves waiting for a system update?

In a desert far away,
What do you think will happen today?
Will Death reign supreme,
And envelop under its cloak everything?

In an oasis far away,
I see a girl and a boy in an eternal play.

From my book Morpheus

